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The Call Andy! Team

Picture of the CEO, IT services for businesses

Andy Espo • CEO (Chief Eliminator of Obstacles)

Andy Espo • CEO (Chief Eliminator of Obstacles)

  • ACTC Apple Certified Technical Coordinator

  • ACSP Apple Certified Support Professional

  • ACN Apple Consultants Network member

  • ACN MTC Mobility Technical Competency

  • ACN MSM Mac OSX Security & Mobility

  • ACN Advisory Council Member Emeritus

  • CWNP Certified Wireless Technician

  • Microsoft Office for Mac Accredited Support Professional

  • G Suite Administrator Fundamentals

  • Addigy Academy Basics

  • HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates

In 1988 Andy Espo was running a special event production company in Boston, MA when the need for computers pushed him into a decision; “At that point, the choice was between DOS and Mac… and it was a pretty easy decision!” His interests in technology to that point had included professional audio, video, theatrical lighting and scenery and he dove into Macintosh, first succeeding in automating his business, then starting to help other businesses with their Macs as his reputation grew. In January of 1998 Andy made the transition to full-time “Mac guy” with his company, Call Andy! Macintosh Consulting. Now in its 26th. year, Call Andy! Macintosh Consulting retains an array of clients in the business, public relations, marketing, architecture, advertising and design sectors. Andy is an Apple Consultants Network member, and is an ACN Advisory Council Member Emeritus.

Fun Fact: In 1987, Andy invented a portable drive-in movie system and was granted  a patent for it: US 4705355 A.

Contact Andy »

Photo of IT services team member

Kristen Hansen • Service Billing Coordinator

Kristen Hansen • Finance & Operations Manager

  • Google - Foundations of Project Management

  • Google - Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project

  • Google - Project Planning: Putting It All Together

Kristen Hansen grew up on the south shore of Long Island, NY where she attended High School and graduated from St. Joseph’s College with a BS in Business Administration and minored in accounting and finance. She began her accounting and financial career working for Barnes and Noble, but then moved on to become a successful Senior Project Financial Analyst for Kleinfelder Inc., handling their multi-million dollar accounts with Exxon-Mobil. After a move to North Carolina, Kristen was sought out and helped create the finance and accounting position for Billy Casper Golf (now Troon Golf) for her local HOA before joining the team at Call Andy!

Fun Fact(s): Kristen is a die-hard Peloton disciple, getting in her daily rides whenever she can. She also loves sailing and cruising on the family boat with her husband and kids.

Contact Kristen »

Photo of IT services team member

Pete Hewitt • Systems Engineer • Manager, Technical & Service Delivery Team

Pete Hewitt • Systems Engineer • Manager, Technical Team

  • ACMT Apple Certified Macintosh Technician

  • ACSP Apple Certified Support Professional

  • G Suite Administrator Fundamentals

  • HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates

When Pete Hewitt was ten years old, his father purchased the family’s first computer, a Macintosh LC, and that event launched a lifetime of Mac experience and careers. In 2006, as an early Apple retail employee, Peter helped open the Providence Place Apple Store and thus began a 14 year career in Apple Stores across the region. Peter has taught clients, repaired hardware, put out fires (literally), and managed and developed service teams in several Apple locations. Peter values customer focus and believes lasting relationships and trust are built on honesty and genuine shared interest.

Fun Fact: In high school, Peter got to attend the very last Macworld Expo held in Boston and bought his first ever operating system, Mac OS 8!

Contact Peter »

Photo of IT services team member

David Lambert • Service Coordinator

David Lambert • Service Operations & Delivery Lead

  • Google Project Management

  • Google AI Essentials

  • Google Professional Workspace Administrator

David Lambert graduated from University of New Hampshire in 2010. Since that time, he has worked in many customer facing roles and developed a passion for providing solutions to others. David has volunteered much time and effort to various philanthropic organizations and spent several years serving as a Fundraising Specialist and Community Outreach Lead. He hopes to use his drive to help others and his talent for process improvement to create a lasting impact at CallAndy! while providing excellent service to clients and teammates alike.

Fun Fact: David served as President of his college fraternity for two years. He considers this time to have been fundamental in developing his business acumen and his ability to lead a team.

Contact David »

Photo of IT services team member

Thien Hong • Senior Tech Lead & Cloud Systems Administrator

Thien Hong • Senior Tech Lead & Cloud Systems Administrator

  • Certified Meraki Networking Associate (CMNA)

  • CompTIA A+ Certification

  • Splunk Fundamentals 1 Certification

  • HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates

  • HIPAA Security

  • Apple Certified Support Professional

  • Apple Deployment and Management

  • jamf 100 Certification

  • Addigy Academy Basics

  • Addigy Certified Associate

  • AWS Cloud Practitioner

Thien Hong was working as Windows System Administrator when he was called to design, build, and develop an entire macOS ecosystem. He rose to the challenge and after years of honing his craft, has become a full-fledged Mac enthusiast who implements and builds macOS solutions for his company. Thien loves problem solving and working automation into his solutions and hopes to bring his technical expertise as solutions engineer to the CallAndy team, providing excellent support and service to clients and teammates.

Fun Fact(s): Besides tech, Thien loves DIY and home improvement projects. He has over a thousand hours under his belt doing projects for himself, friends, and family.

Contact Thien »

Lena Brady • Helpdesk Consultant

Lena Brady • Helpdesk Consultant

  • HIPAA Awareness for Business Associates

  • Google Cybersecurity

  • Proofpoint Certified Ransomware Specialist for 2025

  • Proofpoint Certified Email Authentication Specialist

Lena Brady has performed support duties for an assortment of companies in a variety of industries. Her first job in the tech field was with AOL, where she learned valuable people skills as she assisted ISP customers of all backgrounds. This was a great experience as cuncurrently went to school full-time and completed her Associate's Degree in Computer Networking. She spent 7 years working for Apple as an online AppleCare Advisor and has completed numerous in-house training courses to further her knowledge of Apple products and policies. Currently she is working towards a Bachelors from University of Arizona in Information Science and eSociety.

Fun Fact(s):  Lena is from Indiana and her husband is from California, and they’ve been together since meeting 1998 talking on a rock music chat/forum service that they each accessed from a dial-up connection. They currently live with an Australian Cattle Dog who thinks he's the boss of the house.

Contact Lena »